ossd物理難嗎,許多學生可能不知道OSSD項目是什么?紛紛來咨詢我們,小編就帶大家一起來來了解下,加拿大的foundation課程是什么?,天津市里有哪些比較好的國際學校??? 。
是高中課程么?每個省都不一樣這里只舉安大略省的例子: 安省高中一學期可修4個學分,4年高中可修32門,若加上夜校和暑期班至多可修43個學分。高中文憑要求:30個學分 18必修 12選修完成10年級英文會考40個小時的義工時必修課:4門英語(9,10,11,12年級)1門法語(加拿大人默認法語為第二語言 我的英語為第二語言所以沒修法語)3門數(shù)學 (at least 1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)2門科學(物理化學生物均屬科學范疇)1門歷史1門地理1門藝術(攝影音樂美術均可)1門體育1門市政與職業(yè)另外還加上一種必選方案必選1:一門人文課(語言,法律等)必選2:一門體育或藝術或商業(yè)課必選3:一門理科選修:任選12個學分即可加拿大可以在高中上的課包括:英文、數(shù)學、微積分、物理、化學、生物、科學、數(shù)據(jù)管理、歷史、地理、音樂、美術、家政學、會計學、經(jīng)濟學、法語、計算機等。英文版資料如下:OSSD Credit component of the OSSD is the of 30 credits. A breakdown of the credits is listed below. must earn the following 18 credits in order to obtain the OSSD:4 credits in English (1 credit per grade)1 credit in French as a second language3 credits in (at least 1 credit in grade 11 or 12)2 credits in science1 credit in Canadian history1 credit in Canadian credit in the arts1 credit in health and physical .5 credits in civics0.5 credits in career credit in English, or a third language, or social sciences and the or Canadian and world studies, or guidance and career education, or co-operative education *1 credit in health and physical education, or the arts, or business studies, or co-operative education *1 credit in science (grade 11 or 12), or education (grades 9-12), or co-operative education ** a maximum of 2.0 credits in co-operative education can count as CreditsIn addition to the 18 credits, students must earn 12 optional credits selected from the courses listed as available in the school course calendar.
上文小編講了加拿大的foundation課程是什么?,天津市里有哪些比較好的國際學校??? ,如需獲取更多的OSSD課程資訊,可聯(lián)系客服。