祖母指父親的母親,或稱“奶奶”,為直系血親。方言稱謂有阿嬤、嬤嬤、婆婆、阿婆、娭毑、娘娘等。那么祖母英語口語怎么說呢?一起來了解下吧: ?
祖母英語口語怎么說 ?
ather's mother; paternal grandmother ?
grandmother ?
grannie ?
grandam ?
granddam ?
nin ?
例句 ?
祖母逝世時他們開始服喪。 ?
When grandmother died they went into (ie started to wear) mourning. ?
我的祖母是我們家史的資料庫。 ?
My grandmother is a mine of information about our family's history. ?
我祖母不惜花費地讓她兒子念完了*。 ?
My grandmother at all price strove to get her son through college. ?
小說的一部分是我祖母寫的。 ?
The novel is written in part by my grandmother. ?
他時而去看看他的祖母。 ?
He went to see his grandmother every now and then. ?
照片上的這個婦人是我祖母。 ?
The woman on the photo is my paternal grandmother. ?
我的祖母十七歲就結(jié)婚了。 ?
My grandmother got married at the age of seventeen. ?
她是根據(jù)她祖母的名字命名的。 ?
She was named after her grandmother. ?
她的祖母非常喜歡她。有一天祖母給了她一頂紅色的天鵝絨帽子。 ?
Her grandmother loved her very much and gave her a red velvet cap one day. ?
我們淘氣時,祖母寬恕我們。 ?
My grandmother pardons us when we are mischievous. ?
祖母用英語怎么說 ?
grandmotherly ?
翻譯推薦 ?
祖母 father ?
祖母的 grandmothe ?
祖母結(jié) granny ?
嬸祖母 great ?
教祖母 step ?
高祖母 great ?
祖母綠 emeald ?
外祖母 grandmothe ?
曾祖母 father ?
老祖母的 grandmothe ?
外祖母用英語怎么說 ?
grandmother ?
例句 ?
"If you go to stay with your grandmother and uncles' girls, that will take a great load off my mind." ?
"今依傍外祖母及舅氏姊妹去,正好減我顧盼之憂." ?
"When at last the others prevailed on her to stop, Daiyu made her kowtow to her grandmother. " ?
"一時眾人慢慢解勸住了,黛玉方拜見了外祖母." ?
"Dear mom," the letter began, "I know you will be shocked to learn that you are going to be a grandmother." ?
"親愛的媽媽,"信是這樣開頭的,"我知道,當你獲知自己要成為外祖母時一定會非常吃驚。 ?
His grandmother recited their heritage as relatives of Abraham Lincoln and the legacy of being fair and helpful to minorities ?
他的外祖母細述了作為亞伯拉罕林肯的親屬他們的遺產(chǎn)和對少數(shù)民族公平友好的這一傳統(tǒng)。 ?
Before she could kowtow the old lady threw both arms around her. ?
"方欲拜見時,早被他外祖母一把摟入懷中" ?
Apparently he was so spoiled by his grandmother that no one could control him. ?
"外祖母又極溺愛,無人敢管." ?
I'm soon to be a grandmother-my daughter's expecting. ?
我馬上就要做外祖母了——我女兒懷孕了。 ?
The little girl bid her grannie good morning as she gets up in the morning. ?
小孫女一早起來就向外祖母道早安。 ?
奶奶英語怎么說 ?
(informal) father's mother; paternal grandmother ?
granny ?
grandma ?
nanna ?
grandmama ?
grandmamma ?
例句 ?
我奶奶對外國人抱有偏見。 ?
My grandmother has a complex against foreigners. ?
鄰居張奶奶生病時,她去幫忙照料。 ?
She helped out when her neighbour Grandma Zhang became ill. ?
奶奶簡直不能相信這事。 ?
Grandma could hardly believe it. ?
我奶奶/姥姥對所有人都很好。 ?
My grandma is kind to everyone. ?
你的父母和你的爺爺奶奶你的爺爺奶奶有什么可聊的嗎? ?
Do your parents have something to talk with your grandparents? ?
父母死后,她就同奶奶一起生活,她奶奶經(jīng)營著一個小店。 ?
She lived with her grandmother who kept a mall shop after her parents died. ?
孩子們很喜歡到奶奶家玩,因為奶奶總是給他們零食吃。 ?
The children loved visiting their grandmother because she always gave them treats. ?
那個小女孩正在奶奶耳邊竊竊私語。 ?
The little girl is my grandmother whispering ears. ?
開始用鉤針你奶奶餅干和循環(huán)方。 ?
Start crocheting your granny square with a pretzel and loop. ?
我奶奶上星期去健康檢查,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)她得了糖尿病。 ?
My grandmother had a checkup last week and found that she had diabetes. ?