對于去美國留學申請讀書的同學們而言,美國名校往往更受青睞和歡迎。美國斯坦福*留學學費,美國留學申請,美國名??梢越o你帶來什么,下面就跟著小編詳細了解下,去美國留學,讀碩士的話每年大概需要多少錢?如斯坦福*這……,美國留學申請簽證的材料,留學美國哪些*學費高?? 。
費用包括學費和生活費。不知道你學什么專業(yè),看看下面的信息吧。完全自費的話,斯坦福*學費(根據(jù)專業(yè)和要求的學分有所不同):2011-12 Tuition quarterly tuition for the academic year 2011-12, payable Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters.See Tuition 2010-11 for rates to the current academic yearNote: for current Summer Quarter (2011) tuition and refunds, see Summer Quarter Tuition, 2010-11. Summer tuition for 2011-12 (i.e., Summer 2012) will be updated during Autumn Quarter.Tuition Category Tuition $13,350 Graduate 11-18 units $13,350 Graduate 8,9,10-unit rate $8,680 Each graduate unit above 18 $890 Graduate $14,220 Graduate 8,9,10-unit rate $9,240 Each graduate unit above 18 $948 Graduate School of Business (M.B.A. program—first year)* $18,400 Graduate School of Business (M.B.A. program—second year)* $17,706 School of Medicine (M.D. Program—FY 2011 and beyond)* $15,248 School of Medicine (M.D. Program—FY 2010 and earlier)* $16,074 Law School $15,820 Permit to Attend for Services Only(PSO)$4,037 TGR (Terminal Graduate ) $2,604 TMR(Terminal Medical —FY 2010 and earlier) $2,411 Medical School Research Rate (FY 2011 and beyond) $3,050 *Ph.D. students in the Sciences and in the Graduate School of Business are assessed the standard graduate tuition rate. who carry 1, 2, or 3 units are assessed the TMRrate of $2,411.TGR students who carry 1, 2, or 3 units are assessed the TGR rate of $2,604. Quarter Tuition: $ feeA Document Fee of $200 is assessed once upon first admission to an or graduate student, including Law, GSB, and Medicine students. Non-degree option (NDO) students, such as summer session and non-degree seeking , are assessed a $100 Document Fee.學費的話,參考上面,至于生活費,主要取決于地點。玉米地*便宜點,大城市內(nèi)就貴些,斯坦福*的生活費大概一年得12,000左右。計算一年的費用,把生活費和學費加起來就行了,不知道你的專業(yè)哈,自己加一下吧
1、TOP30的美國商學費非常高,絕大部分商的學費在9萬-10萬美元(不包括生活費),其中*的是哈佛商,學費達到11萬美元。如果再算上機會成本(預估就讀前年薪5萬美元,按照2年計算),學費+生活費+機會成本=23萬-25萬美元,約合人民幣160萬元,可見美國頂尖商的一項巨大投資。 追問: .Harvard 哈佛* 2.Princeton 普林斯頓* 3.Yale 耶魯* 4. Institute of 麻省理工 5.Stanford 斯坦福* 6.Calfornia Institute of 加州理工 7. of 賓夕法尼亞* 8.Columbia 哥倫比亞* 9.Duke 杜克* 這些學費高的學校 嘿嘿,是的呢,那個~我去看了下他們(www.ihuatong。com// )還有。。華%通,是全球*的留.學服.務機.構(gòu),擁有近20年成功運作經(jīng)驗。我覺得不錯的誒北京400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7087山東400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7089寧波400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7091無錫400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7095四川400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7092蘇州400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7094常州400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7096南京400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7090上海400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7086杭州400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7088紹興400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7093廣州400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7097其他400__8171__003轉(zhuǎn)7098
上面小編介紹了去美國留學,讀碩士的話每年大概需要多少錢?如斯坦福*這……,美國留學申請簽證的材料,留學美國哪些*學費高?? ,如有其他不懂得的,可以隨時聯(lián)系客服。