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位置:上海語言培訓資訊 > 上海英語培訓資訊 > 2021英語四級翻譯真題,2021年6月*英語四級考試翻譯真題


日期:2021-08-28 11:27:32     瀏覽:1006    來源:上海新東方考研輔導中心





是看圖分析的 大概是 沒有學位 高中學位 *學位 研究生學位 博士學位的教育支出的eduction 越來越多 比例越來越大, 這次四級作文 比六級的感覺都難 好多同學對chat 分析不到位,不知道怎么下手。。。唉~just~so so


??四級翻譯(一)鐵觀音()是**的茶之一,原產(chǎn)自福建省安溪縣西坪鎮(zhèn),如今安溪全縣普遍種植,但該縣不同地區(qū)生產(chǎn)的鐵觀音又各具風味。鐵觀音一年四季均可采摘,尤以春秋兩季采摘的茶葉品質(zhì)*。鐵觀音加工非常復雜,需要專門的技術和豐富的經(jīng)驗。鐵觀音含有多種維生素,喝起來口感獨特。常飲鐵觀音有助于預防心臟病、降低血壓、增強記憶力。譯文 is one of the most popular types of tea in China with its origin in Xiping Town, Anxi County, Fujian Province.Although widely planted in Anxi County, the tea produced in different parts tastes very . can be picked all the year around with the best in spring and autumn. The tea involves very complex process, which needs skills and . As it contains many vitamins and possesses a unique flavour, the tea helps prevent heart diseases, lower blood pressure and improve memory if one drinks it regularl四級翻譯(二)龍井 (Longing)是一種綠茶,主要產(chǎn)自*東部沿海的浙江省。龍井茶獨特的香味和口感為其贏得了"*名茶"的稱號,在*深受大眾的歡迎,在海外飲用的人也越來越多。龍并茶通常手工制作,其價格可能極其昂貴,也可能比較便宜,這取決于的生長地、采摘時間和制作工藝。龍井茶富含生素C和其它多種有益健康的元素。經(jīng)常喝龍井茶有助于減輕疲勞,延緩衰老。譯文Longjing is a type of green tea which is mainly produced in Zhejiang Province in the coastal area in east China. With the unique fragrance and flavour, the tea is well as China s Famous Tea which enjoys great at home and also overseas Longjing is usually handmade.It can be extremely expensive or cheap, which depends on the origin, the picking time and the . As it contains rich Vitamin C and many other elements, the tea helps relieve fatigue and delay the aging process if one drinks it regularly.四級翻譯(三)普洱(Pu'er)茶深受*人喜愛,*的普洱茶產(chǎn)自云南的西雙版納(),那里的氣候和環(huán)境為普洱茶樹的生長提供了*條件。普洱茶顏色較深,味道與其他的茶截然不同。普洱茶泡(brew)的時間越長越有味道。許多愛喝的人尤其喜歡其獨特的香味和口感。普洱茶含有多種有益健康的元素,常飲普洱茶有助于保護心臟和血管,還有減肥、消除疲勞和促進消化的功效。譯文Pu er is one of the most popular types of tea among the Chinese people, with its best produced in , Yunnan Province. where the climate and the provide the tea with the best growing . Pu er tea features dark colour and totally different fla- vour. The longer it brews, the better it tastes. Many Pu er overs fancy its unique fragrance and flavour. As it contains many elements, the tea helps not only protect the heart and blood vessels but also lose weight, re lieve fatigue and improve digestion if one drinks it regularly


以下是為各位考生帶來的四級考試翻譯部分的參考范文,希望能夠?qū)Ω魑豢忌兴鶐椭?,祝各位同學都可以取得令人滿意的成績。戳:2021年6月四六級真題解析直播龍井 翻譯真題龍井(Longing)是一種綠茶,主要產(chǎn)自*東部沿海的浙江省。龍井茶獨特的香味和口感為其贏得了“*名茶”的稱號,在*深受大眾的歡迎,在海外飲用的人也越來越多。龍并茶通常手工制作,其價格可能極其昂貴,也可能比較便宜,這取決于的生長地、采摘時間和制作工藝。龍井茶富含生素C和其它多種有益健康的元素。經(jīng)常喝龍井茶有助于減輕疲勞,延緩衰老。 參考譯文Longing, a type of green tea, is mainly produced in Zhejiang Province, the eastern coastal area in China. With its unique fragrance and flavour, Longing wins the title of “Chinese Famous Tea”and gains among the public in China. It also becomes prevalent overseas. Longing is usually handmade, with the price being either extremely expensive or cheap. The price varies, depending on the habitat, picking season as well as . Longing is rich in Vitamin C and many other healthy elements. Drinking Longing regularly is helpful for relieving pressure and delaying senility.


戳鏈接預約6月12日19:00【四六級考后真題解析】2021年6月四六級真題解析及12月四六級備考規(guī)劃四級翻譯(一)鐵觀音()是**的茶之一,原產(chǎn)自福建省安溪縣西坪鎮(zhèn),如今安溪全縣普遍種植,但該縣不同地區(qū)生產(chǎn)的鐵觀音又各具風味。鐵觀音一年四季均可采摘,尤以春秋兩季采摘的茶葉品質(zhì)*。鐵觀音加工非常復雜,需要專門的技術和豐富的經(jīng)驗。鐵觀音含有多種維生素,喝起來口感獨特。常飲鐵觀音有助于預防心臟病、降低血壓、增強記憶力。譯文 is one of the most popular types of tea in China with its origin in Xiping Town, Anxi County, Fujian Province.Although widely planted in Anxi County, the tea produced in different parts tastes very . can be picked all the year around with the best in spring and autumn. The tea involves very complex process, which needs skills and . As it contains many vitamins and possesses a unique flavour, the tea helps prevent heart diseases, lower blood pressure and improve memory if one drinks it regularl四級翻譯(二)龍井 (Longing)是一種綠茶,主要產(chǎn)自*東部沿海的浙江省。龍井茶獨特的香味和口感為其贏得了"*名茶"的稱號,在*深受大眾的歡迎,在海外飲用的人也越來越多。龍并茶通常手工制作,其價格可能極其昂貴,也可能比較便宜,這取決于的生長地、采摘時間和制作工藝。龍井茶富含生素C和其它多種有益健康的元素。經(jīng)常喝龍井茶有助于減輕疲勞,延緩衰老。譯文Longjing is a type of green tea which is mainly produced in Zhejiang Province in the coastal area in east China. With the unique fragrance and flavour, the tea is well as China s Famous Tea which enjoys great at home and also overseas Longjing is usually handmade.It can be extremely expensive or cheap, which depends on the origin, the picking time and the . As it contains rich Vitamin C and many other elements, the tea helps relieve fatigue and delay the aging process if one drinks it regularly.四級翻譯(三)普洱(Pu'er)茶深受*人喜愛,*的普洱茶產(chǎn)自云南的西雙版納(),那里的氣候和環(huán)境為普洱茶樹的生長提供了*條件。普洱茶顏色較深,味道與其他的茶截然不同。普洱茶泡(brew)的時間越長越有味道。許多愛喝的人尤其喜歡其獨特的香味和口感。普洱茶含有多種有益健康的元素,常飲普洱茶有助于保護心臟和血管,還有減肥、消除疲勞和促進消化的功效。譯文Pu er is one of the most popular types of tea among the Chinese people, with its best produced in , Yunnan Province. where the climate and the provide the tea with the best growing . Pu er tea features dark colour and totally different fla- vour. The longer it brews, the better it tastes. Many Pu er overs fancy its unique fragrance and flavour. As it contains many elements, the tea helps not only protect the heart and blood vessels but also lose weight, re lieve fatigue and improve digestion if one drinks it regularly


試卷構(gòu)成 測試內(nèi)容 測試題型 比例 *部分:聽力理解 聽力對話 短對話 多項選擇 35% 長對話 多項選擇 聽力短文 短文理解 多項選擇 多項選擇 復合式聽寫 第二部分:閱讀理解 仔細閱讀理解 篇章閱讀理解 多項選擇 35% 篇章詞匯理解 選詞填空 快速閱讀理解 是非判斷+句子填空或其他 第三部分:綜合測試 完型填空 或 改錯 多項選擇 15% 錯誤辨認并改正 篇章問答 或句子翻譯 簡短回答 中譯英 第四部分:寫作 寫作 短文寫作 15%




學員評價ASK list

  • 侯**評價:同事孩子今年考研報了新東方的。初試結(jié)果不錯,推薦我來這里進行考研的學習。于是先在網(wǎng)上給孩子報了一對一咨詢,之后有了大致方向,去線下門店逛了逛,比預期中的要好很多。環(huán)境優(yōu)美,設備也很新,希望在強大師資的帶領下,孩子能好好努力一年,考上自己想去的學校
    手機號碼: 189****2380   評價時間: 2025-03-12
  • 未**評價:*近在規(guī)劃考研方向,對于院校和專業(yè)的選擇有些迷茫,正好在點評上看到了新東方考研培訓,便找了離自己*近的店,買了張體驗券試一試。不得不說,新東方的老師是我上過所有教培機構(gòu)專業(yè)性*強的老師,在體驗課中,除了指導工作認真負責外,對我提到的問題也做出了相應有深度的回答。給新東方老師們點個贊。
    手機號碼: 130****7710   評價時間: 2025-03-12
  • 古**評價:在這里學習的六級,老師們講的都還挺好的,教會了許多學習的技巧,比如閱讀怎么找選項中的定位句,聽力怎么才能選對答案,寫作怎么寫才能得高分,翻譯如何翻對。感覺自己有很大的提升。學管老師們也很負責人,每天要求我把背單詞的情況拍照發(fā)給她,希望9月份的考試可以一次就通過!謝謝新東方!
    手機號碼: 186****4284   評價時間: 2025-03-12
  • 男**評價:已經(jīng)領取聽課證到時看效果了
    手機號碼: 157****1732   評價時間: 2025-03-12
  • 未**評價:有次路過,發(fā)現(xiàn)這里有新東方,地點真的很好,靠近徐家匯地鐵站,出站后走路幾分鐘就可以到。老師講課很生動,一點都不枯燥,下課你也可以留在教室里復習,老師都會幫你整理錯題,有不會的題目,問其他的老師也會耐心解答。也根據(jù)自身情況建議你什么時候報名參加考試。很負責哦,推薦大家。
    手機號碼: 185****1671   評價時間: 2025-03-12
  • 王**評價:新東方英語四級培訓班還是很靠譜的,一開始我也覺得沒必要報名,但是考了很多次都沒過,來了新東方之后就考過了!真的神了!
    手機號碼: 133****7956   評價時間: 2025-03-12

本文由 上海新東方考研輔導中心 整理發(fā)布。更多培訓課程,學習資訊,課程優(yōu)惠,課程開班,學校地址等學校信息,可以留下你的聯(lián)系方式,讓課程老師跟你詳細解答:
