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位置:英語培訓資訊 > 托福培訓資訊 > 托福口語tpo30,托福綜合口語task3-6怎么練


日期:2021-07-09 17:05:36     瀏覽:288    來源:出國語言培訓
核心提示:最近很多人都在咨詢托??谡Ztpo30為自己的語言成績做準備,我也為大家整理了一些資料供大家參考TPO對應托福什么時候考過的真題,托??谡Z TPO30 參考答案,托福綜合口語task3-6怎么練,求匹克tpo1-30托福??架浖?/div>

最近很多人都在咨詢托福口語tpo30為自己的語言成績做準備,我也為大家整理了一些資料供大家參考TPO對應托福什么時候考過的真題,托??谡Z TPO30 參考答案,托福綜合口語task3-6怎么練,求匹克tpo1-30托福??架浖平獍?,跪求大大給力啊!!!,求托福TPO口語里聽力的全套音頻!??


1. TPO Volume 01(2005.11.05)2. TPO Volume 02(OG Practice Set)3. TPO Volume 03(2006.08.12)4. TPO Volume 04(2006.10.08)5. TPO Volume 05(2008.03.08)6. TPO Volume 06(2007.12.10)7. TPO Volume 07(2007.02.24 ||5261 2007.12.14)8. TPO Volume 08(2008.02.09 || 2008.12.21)9. TPO Volume 09(2008.05.04)10. TPO Volume 10(2008.06.07)11. TPO Volume 11(2006.12.08閱讀,口語4102 || 2006.12.15聽力,寫1653作)12. TPO Volume 12(2006.12.08聽力,獨立寫作 || 2006.12.15閱讀,口語 || 2007.12.01綜合寫作)13. TPO Volume 13(2006.06.09 || 2007.06.30)14. TPO Volume 14(2008.10.18)15. TPO Volume 15(2009.05.09)

2.托??谡Z TPO30 參考答案

Task 3 The proposal is that campus should happen during the three-month summer break. There are two reasons. First, projects can be so and create . It will be difficult for students to go where they want to in campus. Second, projects would be more likely to be completed quickly during good weather, for example, summer. The woman agrees with the proposal for two reasons. First, it is annoying. For example, last December, the decided to repair some of the parking lots. At least four lots were closed, and that meant there were not enough parking spots for students and professor's cars. Because of the trouble they had parking, students were always arriving late. Sometimes even were late. Second, bad weather is not good for the . For instance, part of the reason those parking lot repairs last year took so long was because of the big . They had to keep stopping, sometimes for a week or two at a time, because of snow and ice on the ground. They have to spend a lot longer to finish the . Task 4 Emotional is a kind of ability that people have to recognize their true feelings and what is causing them. This ability enables them to better control their emotional responses, changing or them when necessary. It helps people to behave in social , which allow them to maintain good with others. The professor gives us an example about his own daughter. His daughter had a friend and they decided to watch a movie together. But they got into an argument because they could not decide on what movie to watch. His daughter started to get quite upset during the argument, which was not like her at all. But then, his daughter stopped, and thought about why she was so upset. She realized her reaction was , and she also realized she was not really upset with her friend because there was something else bothering her. She just got a summer job as a camp counselor for children, and she was feeling a lot of worry and stress about how well she would do, she said she'd never worked with children before, so she figured out that she wasn't upset about what movie to watch with her friend, but about starting her new job. She really wanted it to go well. She wanted the kids to like her. And when she this, she stopped arguing with her friend, and to her. She told her friend how anxious she felt about starting the job, and how sorry she was about getting upset with her, and her friend her, saying she would do great at the job. So, his daughter felt better, and they relaxed and had fun together, same as always. Task 6 There are two benefits of . First, enables animals to minimize their exposure to extreme . This is very helpful to animals that live in areas with harsh climates, where it could be very dangerous to spend large amounts of time on the surface. For example, in the Sahara Desert, in Africa, there is a type of lizard that's able to move beneath the surface, through the sand, very quickly. Because this lizard can move so easily and so quickly , it does not have to travel on the surface, where it would be exposed to high . Second, it can help animals capture prey because animals on the surface cannot see predators . For example, when an insect is walking nearby on the surface, it produces very subtle in the sand. When the lizard senses these , it moves very quickly. , where it cannot be seen, toward the source of the . It then pops up directly under the insect and catches it by surprise.


在下10年2月27號的ibt 口語23分 但只準備了5天 每天一個小時現(xiàn)把我的方法提供給你 每天花30分鐘主練1-2題 目的是為了提高自己的influence 1、2題練起來效率高 因為只要看幾秒題目 想幾秒 就能開練了 我的理解是 不卡殼的口語 就是好口語剩下30分鐘 留給???上網找TPO(抱歉 我的TPO是綠色???已經過期了)的口語真題 限時練 就當考試一樣 講不完也沒關系 要是講不完自己不爽的話 可以加大練習量 3-6題訣竅是:口語的聽力比listening簡單 但想要聽清聽全所有的points也不是一件容易的事兒 所以需要高度專心 其次就是一定一定要記筆記 也別想著哪些要記哪些不要記 反正你的筆幾乎不要停就行了 聽到啥就記啥 記的時候思維不要轉移到筆記上 還是應該focus在聽力上 希望你能做到這點網上有個叫tpooooooo的小子 他的新浪blog里有ets公布的高分口語1-6題范例 一定要去看 地址我考完托福刪掉了 你百度搜搜看吧其他我也沒啥好說的了 祝你成功!




發(fā)了一些不錯的考試資料給你~【TPO小站】 新浪博客有個叫TPO小站,上面有~TPO全套聽力錄音和原文~還有各種托福備考資料,共同分享,共同進步~


學員評價ASK list

  • 夏**評價:孩子今年托福能考不少分,真的很感謝老師的幫助!
    手機號碼: 134****4514   評價時間: 2025-01-27
  • 黃**評價:在其他機構學雅思沒效果,同學推薦這里學雅思,我打聽后知道是個子機構,學費還有優(yōu)惠就報了名。現(xiàn)在在老師輔導下,雅思7分拿到手,聽力和口語老師還非常給力,上分效果明顯。
    手機號碼: 150****7324   評價時間: 2025-01-27
  • 江**評價:我之前托福聽力成績很差,每次都是因為聽力拖后腿,但是在新東方報名了專業(yè)的托福直通車課程之后,專業(yè)的教學老師為大家量身教學,經過一段時間的學習之后,現(xiàn)在聽力的成績也得到了不小的提升。
    手機號碼: 156****4604   評價時間: 2025-01-27
  • 朗**評價:很喜歡深圳新東方的雅思預備課程,當時是在羅湖書城校區(qū)學習的,學習氛圍特別好,課程一般都是小班化教學,老師也會在課前定制詳細的教學指導方案,幫助我們實現(xiàn)高效成長,歡迎大家報名學習!
    手機號碼: 157****9071   評價時間: 2025-01-27
  • 趙**評價:我在報名之前也是很猶豫的,畢竟語言是要經過一段時間的學習才能看出效果,但是在學了一段時間之后,發(fā)現(xiàn)老師教的真的很不錯,推薦!
    手機號碼: 152****6429   評價時間: 2025-01-27
  • 蔣**評價:培訓中心的老師很有耐心,我的英語能很差,但是老師一點都不嫌棄我,特別有耐心!
    手機號碼: 158****3807   評價時間: 2025-01-27
  • 殷**評價:打算出國的,剛好利用這段時間了解了一些比較好的語培機構,經過多家的比較之后,終于決定了選擇這家,老師們真的教的很好,推薦!
    手機號碼: 135****7169   評價時間: 2025-01-27
  • 陳**評價:我的雅思考了幾次一直在6分徘徊,但是我真很需要沖到6.5分去申請學校,聽人家說這里的6.5分沖刺課很有效果,我就來試了試,用了半個月就沖上去了,真的很有效果呢。
    手機號碼: 132****7180   評價時間: 2025-01-27
  • 李**評價:在會展中心這邊也能學到GRE課程了,離學校很近,老師講課也非常好
    手機號碼: 189****3340   評價時間: 2025-01-27
  • 未**評價:夢想總是和現(xiàn)實有差距,在決定報考托福的時候內心滿滿期待,但是也是沒有很多準備,還好之前有報新東方的課程,能夠更順利的實現(xiàn)學習目標,期待著接下來可以更順利的應考。
    手機號碼: 132****3887   評價時間: 2025-01-27

本文由 出國語言培訓 整理發(fā)布。更多培訓課程,學習資訊,課程優(yōu)惠,課程開班,學校地址等學校信息,可以留下你的聯(lián)系方式,讓課程老師跟你詳細解答:
